
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Birthday Boy Walks

I know this is a long over due blog. I thought I would have more time to write once Chris came home from the hospital (less driving) but I am actually on the road more between dropping off/picking up both girls from school and Chris at therapy three times a week.

SO, the good news is CHRIS DID WALK!!!!!!! I will try to get a picture posted. The staff at St Jude's re-hab knew it was Chris' goal to walk on his birthday, so they put braces on his legs, hoisted him up and he pulled himself along two parallel bars (with someone standing behind him). I was not there to witness it (Regan's school had Muffins with Mom morning) but both Chris' parents were there to see it all happen. Don (FIL) called to tell me and we were all bawling like babies. I know this was a significant morning for Chris, as his progression has slowed down a bit, this really gave him hope for the future.

The nurses warned that the honeymoon would end, once the novelty of being home and starting out patient therapy started. I think we have hit that point. Chris is uncomfortable in his rental wheelchair because it is not made custom to him (which normally wheelchairs are custom made). Once the custom chair is ordered, it will still take another 3 months for the chair to arrive. St Jude's will not order a chair until we have insurance and thus far we have not been approved for MediCal. This process is so frustrating!!!!!! We have decided to hire a lawyer to do our reapplication because we are loosing precious time to get MediCal, the bills are stacking up and the phone is starting to ring from those trying to collect from us. It is enough just trying to keep up with the day to day needs of Chris and the girls but to add the amount of chasing around social workers, medical bills and Dr,'s it's overhwhelming. I am tempted to just buy Chris a chair (they start at $5,000) and try to get reimbursed once MediCal eventually (hopefully) goes through. I am researching to see if they would reimburse us or if it is better to wait.

I don't mean to be Debbie Downer this morning but these are the realities that we are facing right now.

I would like to once again thank our wonderful neighbors who continue to cook meals for us, they are such a blessing. The support from our friends and family ( and our faith in God) are really getting us through this. The visits, the cards, every little thing is so special to us. I look forward to the day when I can return all this love and kindness. I cherish the day I can be the giver instead of the receiver.

My love and gratitude to you all,


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