
Monday, November 9, 2009

90 Feet

Today I got to see Chris walk!!!!! He went a whole 90 feet. I laughed, I cried, it was so exciting. We arrived at Chris' therapy expecting the same old exercises and instead they bring out what Chris and I call his magic shoes (Forest Gump anyone?). Braces were put on both legs, seriously these things are heavy duty and really do look like the ones that Forest wore. He held onto the parallel bars and walked. After one lap his therapist felt that Chris' right leg was strong enough to take the brace off.  I was just in awe. Some braces will be made for Chris' left leg( again pending cost and no insurance) and the goal is to have him walking around the house with a walker in the near future. How cool is that? It will still be months and months of therapy but that is okay.......I'll take it.

 On another good note, Chris has been sleeping through the night since last Thursday, yeah! He still continues to have super sensitivity to temperatures, moods and noise. He has been open to trying alternative methods to help with these issues, which in the past would soooo not be my Chris.  Mr. I don't like going to the Dr. or dentist is now getting acupuncture!

June or MIL (mother in law) just spent the last month with us. I can't thank her enough for being here. It really take two people in the home to take care of Chris and both kids. June is now back to work in Connecticut. After spending a week with FIL, Don will make his way back to California. My mother graciously volunteered to fill in while the in laws are away. I could have not handled the last 2 1/2 months by myself. I feel so lucky to have the family I do. It has also been a blessing for Caitlin and Regan to spend so much time with both sets of grandparents. It is great to see their relationships blossoming with all the family that has been here helping.

We are getting very excited for the golf tournament on the 16th. We have so many great auction and raffle items. It will be a great evening out, come and join us at the Seacliff Country Club in Huntington Beach.

Love and gratitude,


1 comment:

  1. Christy:

    What great news. Chris appears to be making amazing progress though he may not think it's fast enough. Both of you and your girls are in my thoughts and prayers. And to pass on a phrase that another KP Alumni sibling raises in winning her battle with cancer.....

    Pilsung.....[Certain victory]

    Bob [Rogo] Rogaski KP61
    Clayton, NJ
