
Thursday, September 3, 2009

9/3/09 Not so cheery today

I am finding that I don't want to write if I don't have something positive to say. I am just that kind of person, normally the glass half full kind of gal.

This week has been difficult. I have been drowning in the social services red tape. I keep thinking I am done and then I get a new form or question. I honestly don't think my patient advocate knows what she is doing, but what can you do when the these people are assigned to you. If I could afford a lawyer to do this paperwork for me, I would probably be well off enough to not apply for all this stuff.

Chris has been nauseated for the last three weeks but it has been really bad for the last few days. Therefore, he does not want to eat, therefore he is very weak. He has already lost 22 pounds over the last two months. Tuesday the therapists ran some tested the strength on his left and right leg. The right leg (the one that moves) has gotten stronger, yeah! The left leg (which hasn't moved) has some how gotten weaker and the Dr.'s are stumped as to why. This morning they decided to take some blood and run some tests. They are doing an MRI at 4:00. I am feeling guilty for not being at the hospital. The girls have been struggling for a couple of days, school started and this morning Regan called me a jerk. She then burst into tears and said she didn't know what the word meant.  (and yes, she got a BIG time out for that one.) It definitely has been a challenging week.

OK, in the middle of typing this Chris called and cheered me up, AGAIN. We really do help each other and I think we make a great team.

Caitlin is off to art class, so I must log off now. Sorry for the not so cheery entry today, Hopefully tomorrow will be filled with better news.


  1. Christy, Don't feel bad about posting less than positive stuff. People are here to support you and the family! So Sorry there were so many bumps in the road today. It is bound to happen. You are all still in our thoughts and prayers every day. We have many friends and family (who haven't met you all) that are also thinking of you and praying for you (and apparently donating as well)! So just know there are a lot of people out there who care for the well being of your family!
    Sleep well.

  2. Hi Christy,
    I just wanted to say that you are amazing! Please don't feel bad when you are posting less than positive thoughts. I look forward to each day when you post. I am praying for you and your family everyday. You are so strong and I admire you so much. Things really will get better, you just trust in the Lord. I love ya, and you just keep saying "Giterdone"!
    Lisa Faircloth-Truett

  3. Christy,
    I am so sorry today was such a tough day. You have been so strong through all of this. We also pray for you every single day. Lean on Him for everything, He is right there ready to listen. Call me if you need to vent.


  4. Oh Christy! (((HUGS))). Life is full of ups and downs and I truly appreciate your honesty and all your posts. Some days will be harder than others, but keep your head up and I think of you (all 4 of you) every day hoping to hear news good or bad just makes me feel more in touch with you guys. I am also available if you need to vent. I love you!!

  5. Christy:

    Last Monday, I asked my Bible Study group to pray specifically for you. All the ladies have you on their prayer lists. I am not sure that I could handle all that has been put before you these past months. You are the most amazingly positive person I have ever met. Please do not be afraid to let your feelings be known, especially to those you love you and are praying for you.

